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Yaossg 2024-07-18 21:38:25 +08:00
commit e7e2ce551c
6 changed files with 677 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

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# GPT2
原作者Andrej Karpathy @
## 背景
GPT 很酷,能不能在我自己的电脑上跑一个呢?当然可以!
现在给你提供 GPT2 的预训练模型:[点击这里](,请把该模型放在本仓库代码的同目录下,按照下面的指示即可运行该程序。
## 依赖
需要安装 GCC 和 Python3 以及下面的 Python 包
pip3 install tiktoken
## 编译
## 运行
## 目标
此外,请在 wp 中回答下面的问题:
- 什么是阿姆达尔定律?根据阿姆达尔定律,我们应该把优化的重点放在哪里?
- 你的优化方案和思路是什么?优化的效果受到哪些因素影响?

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
gcc gpt.c -lm -O3 -std=gnu11 -ggdb -Wall -Werror -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unused-value -Wno-unused-variable -o gpt

30 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
import tiktoken
import subprocess
import time
length = input("Completion length: ")
length = str(int(length)) # ensure input a valid integer
text = input("Text to complete: ")
enc = tiktoken.get_encoding("gpt2")
tokens = [
str(tok) for tok in enc.encode(text)
start = time.time()
proc = subprocess.Popen(
["./gpt", length, *tokens],
while (line := proc.stdout.readline()):
token = int(line)
print(enc.decode([token]), end='', flush=True)
end = time.time()
print(f"It took {end - start:.2f}s to complete the text.")

gpt.c Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
// Original Author: Andrej Karpathy
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// all the individual layers' forward passes
// B = batch_size, T = sequence_length, C = channels, V = vocab_size
void encoder_forward(float* out,
int* inp, float* wte, float* wpe,
int B, int T, int C) {
// out is (B,T,C). At each position (b,t), a C-dimensional vector summarizing token & position
// inp is (B,T) of integers, holding the token ids at each (b,t) position
// wte is (V,C) of token embeddings, short for "weight token embeddings"
// wpe is (maxT,C) of position embeddings, short for "weight positional embedding"
for (int b = 0; b < B; b++) {
for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) {
// seek to the output position in out[b,t,:]
float* out_bt = out + b * T * C + t * C;
// get the index of the token at inp[b, t]
int ix = inp[b * T + t];
// seek to the position in wte corresponding to the token
float* wte_ix = wte + ix * C;
// seek to the position in wpe corresponding to the position
float* wpe_t = wpe + t * C;
// add the two vectors and store the result in out[b,t,:]
for (int i = 0; i < C; i++) {
out_bt[i] = wte_ix[i] + wpe_t[i];
void layernorm_forward(float* out, float* mean, float* rstd,
float* inp, float* weight, float* bias,
int B, int T, int C) {
// reference:
// both inp and out are (B,T,C) of the activations
// mean and rstd are (B,T) buffers, to be used later in backward pass
// at each position (b,t) of the input, the C-dimensional vector
// of activations gets normalized, then scaled and shifted
float eps = 1e-5f;
for (int b = 0; b < B; b++) {
for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) {
// seek to the input position inp[b,t,:]
float* x = inp + b * T * C + t * C;
// calculate the mean
float m = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < C; i++) {
m += x[i];
m = m/C;
// calculate the variance (without any bias correction)
float v = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < C; i++) {
float xshift = x[i] - m;
v += xshift * xshift;
v = v/C;
// calculate the rstd (reciprocal standard deviation)
float s = 1.0f / sqrtf(v + eps);
// seek to the output position in out[b,t,:]
float* out_bt = out + b * T * C + t * C;
for (int i = 0; i < C; i++) {
float n = (s * (x[i] - m)); // normalize
float o = n * weight[i] + bias[i]; // scale and shift
out_bt[i] = o; // write
// cache the mean and rstd for the backward pass later
mean[b * T + t] = m;
rstd[b * T + t] = s;
void matmul_forward(float* out,
float* inp, float* weight, float* bias,
int B, int T, int C, int OC) {
// most of the running time is spent here and in matmul_backward
// OC is short for "output channels"
// inp is (B,T,C), weight is (OC, C), bias is (OC)
// out will be (B,T,OC)
for (int b = 0; b < B; b++) {
for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) {
float* out_bt = out + b * T * OC + t * OC;
float* inp_bt = inp + b * T * C + t * C;
for (int o = 0; o < OC; o++) {
float val = (bias != NULL) ? bias[o] : 0.0f;
float* wrow = weight + o*C;
for (int i = 0; i < C; i++) {
val += inp_bt[i] * wrow[i];
out_bt[o] = val;
void attention_forward(float* out, float* preatt, float* att,
float* inp,
int B, int T, int C, int NH) {
// input is (B, T, 3C) holding the query, key, value (Q, K, V) vectors
// preatt, att are (B, NH, T, T). NH = number of heads, T = sequence length
// that holds the pre-attention and post-attention scores (used in backward)
// output is (B, T, C)
// attention is the only layer that mixes information across time
// every other operation is applied at every (b,t) position independently
// (and of course, no layer mixes information across batch)
int C3 = C*3;
int hs = C / NH; // head size
float scale = 1.0 / sqrtf(hs);
for (int b = 0; b < B; b++) {
for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) {
for (int h = 0; h < NH; h++) {
float* query_t = inp + b * T * C3 + t * C3 + h * hs;
float* preatt_bth = preatt + b*NH*T*T + h*T*T + t*T;
float* att_bth = att + b*NH*T*T + h*T*T + t*T;
// pass 1: calculate query dot key and maxval
float maxval = -10000.0f; // TODO something better
for (int t2 = 0; t2 <= t; t2++) {
float* key_t2 = inp + b * T * C3 + t2 * C3 + h * hs + C; // +C because it's key
// (query_t) dot (key_t2)
float val = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < hs; i++) {
val += query_t[i] * key_t2[i];
val *= scale;
if (val > maxval) {
maxval = val;
preatt_bth[t2] = val;
// pass 2: calculate the exp and keep track of sum
// maxval is being calculated and subtracted only for numerical stability
float expsum = 0.0f;
for (int t2 = 0; t2 <= t; t2++) {
float expv = expf(preatt_bth[t2] - maxval);
expsum += expv;
att_bth[t2] = expv;
float expsum_inv = expsum == 0.0f ? 0.0f : 1.0f / expsum;
// pass 3: normalize to get the softmax
for (int t2 = 0; t2 < T; t2++) {
if (t2 <= t) {
att_bth[t2] *= expsum_inv;
} else {
// causal attention mask. not strictly necessary to set to zero here
// only doing this explicitly for debugging and checking to PyTorch
att_bth[t2] = 0.0f;
// pass 4: accumulate weighted values into the output of attention
float* out_bth = out + b * T * C + t * C + h * hs;
for (int i = 0; i < hs; i++) { out_bth[i] = 0.0f; }
for (int t2 = 0; t2 <= t; t2++) {
float* value_t2 = inp + b * T * C3 + t2 * C3 + h * hs + C*2; // +C*2 because it's value
float att_btht2 = att_bth[t2];
for (int i = 0; i < hs; i++) {
out_bth[i] += att_btht2 * value_t2[i];
#define GELU_SCALING_FACTOR sqrtf(2.0f / M_PI)
void gelu_forward(float* out, float* inp, int N) {
// (approximate) GeLU elementwise non-linearity in the MLP block of Transformer
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
float x = inp[i];
float cube = 0.044715f * x * x * x;
out[i] = 0.5f * x * (1.0f + tanhf(GELU_SCALING_FACTOR * (x + cube)));
void residual_forward(float* out, float* inp1, float* inp2, int N) {
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
out[i] = inp1[i] + inp2[i];
void softmax_forward(float* probs, float* logits, int B, int T, int V) {
// output: probs are (B,T,V) of the probabilities (sums to 1.0 in each b,t position)
// input: logits is (B,T,V) of the unnormalized log probabilities
for (int b = 0; b < B; b++) {
for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) {
// probs <- softmax(logits)
float* logits_bt = logits + b * T * V + t * V;
float* probs_bt = probs + b * T * V + t * V;
// maxval is only calculated and subtracted for numerical stability
float maxval = -10000.0f; // TODO something better
for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) {
if (logits_bt[i] > maxval) {
maxval = logits_bt[i];
float sum = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) {
probs_bt[i] = expf(logits_bt[i] - maxval);
sum += probs_bt[i];
for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) {
probs_bt[i] /= sum;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GPT-2 model definition
// the parameters of the model
typedef struct {
float* wte; // (V, C)
float* wpe; // (maxT, C)
float* ln1w; // (L, C)
float* ln1b; // (L, C)
float* qkvw; // (L, 3*C, C)
float* qkvb; // (L, 3*C)
float* attprojw; // (L, C, C)
float* attprojb; // (L, C)
float* ln2w; // (L, C)
float* ln2b; // (L, C)
float* fcw; // (L, 4*C, C)
float* fcb; // (L, 4*C)
float* fcprojw; // (L, C, 4*C)
float* fcprojb; // (L, C)
float* lnfw; // (C)
float* lnfb; // (C)
} ParameterTensors;
// allocate memory for the parameters and point the individual tensors to the right places
float* malloc_and_point_parameters(ParameterTensors* params, size_t* param_sizes) {
size_t num_parameters = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_PARAMETER_TENSORS; i++) {
num_parameters += param_sizes[i];
// malloc all parameters all at once
float* params_memory = (float*)malloc(num_parameters * sizeof(float));
// assign all the tensors
float** ptrs[] = {
&params->wte, &params->wpe, &params->ln1w, &params->ln1b, &params->qkvw, &params->qkvb,
&params->attprojw, &params->attprojb, &params->ln2w, &params->ln2b, &params->fcw, &params->fcb,
&params->fcprojw, &params->fcprojb, &params->lnfw, &params->lnfb
float* params_memory_iterator = params_memory;
for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_PARAMETER_TENSORS; i++) {
*(ptrs[i]) = params_memory_iterator;
params_memory_iterator += param_sizes[i];
return params_memory;
typedef struct {
float* encoded; // (B, T, C)
float* ln1; // (L, B, T, C)
float* ln1_mean; // (L, B, T)
float* ln1_rstd; // (L, B, T)
float* qkv; // (L, B, T, 3*C)
float* atty; // (L, B, T, C)
float* preatt; // (L, B, NH, T, T)
float* att; // (L, B, NH, T, T)
float* attproj; // (L, B, T, C)
float* residual2; // (L, B, T, C)
float* ln2; // (L, B, T, C)
float* ln2_mean; // (L, B, T)
float* ln2_rstd; // (L, B, T)
float* fch; // (L, B, T, 4*C)
float* fch_gelu; // (L, B, T, 4*C)
float* fcproj; // (L, B, T, C)
float* residual3; // (L, B, T, C)
float* lnf; // (B, T, C)
float* lnf_mean; // (B, T)
float* lnf_rstd; // (B, T)
float* logits; // (B, T, V)
float* probs; // (B, T, V)
float* losses; // (B, T)
} ActivationTensors;
float* malloc_and_point_activations(ActivationTensors* acts, size_t* act_sizes) {
size_t num_activations = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_ACTIVATION_TENSORS; i++) {
num_activations += act_sizes[i];
float* acts_memory = (float*)malloc(num_activations * sizeof(float));
float** ptrs[] = {
&acts->encoded, &acts->ln1, &acts->ln1_mean, &acts->ln1_rstd, &acts->qkv, &acts->atty,
&acts->preatt, &acts->att, &acts->attproj, &acts->residual2, &acts->ln2, &acts->ln2_mean,
&acts->ln2_rstd, &acts->fch, &acts->fch_gelu, &acts->fcproj, &acts->residual3, &acts->lnf,
&acts->lnf_mean, &acts->lnf_rstd, &acts->logits, &acts->probs, &acts->losses
float* acts_memory_iterator = acts_memory;
for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_ACTIVATION_TENSORS; i++) {
*(ptrs[i]) = acts_memory_iterator;
acts_memory_iterator += act_sizes[i];
return acts_memory;
typedef struct {
int max_seq_len; // max sequence length, e.g. 1024
int vocab_size; // vocab size, e.g. 50257
int num_layers; // number of layers, e.g. 12
int num_heads; // number of heads in attention, e.g. 12
int channels; // number of channels, e.g. 768
} GPT2Config;
typedef struct {
GPT2Config config;
// the weights (parameters) of the model, and their sizes
ParameterTensors params;
size_t param_sizes[NUM_PARAMETER_TENSORS];
float* params_memory;
int num_parameters;
// gradients of the weights
ParameterTensors grads;
float* grads_memory;
// buffers for the AdamW optimizer
float* m_memory;
float* v_memory;
// the activations of the model, and their sizes
ActivationTensors acts;
size_t act_sizes[NUM_ACTIVATION_TENSORS];
float* acts_memory;
int num_activations;
// gradients of the activations
ActivationTensors grads_acts;
float* grads_acts_memory;
// other run state configuration
int batch_size; // the batch size (B) of current forward pass
int seq_len; // the sequence length (T) of current forward pass
int* inputs; // the input tokens for the current forward pass
int* targets; // the target tokens for the current forward pass
float mean_loss; // after a forward pass with targets, will be populated with the mean loss
} GPT2;
void gpt2_build_from_checkpoint(GPT2 *model, char* checkpoint_path) {
// read in model from a checkpoint file
FILE *model_file = fopen(checkpoint_path, "rb");
if (model_file == NULL) { printf("Error opening model file\n"); exit(1); }
int model_header[256];
fread(model_header, sizeof(int), 256, model_file);
if (model_header[0] != 20240326) { printf("Bad magic model file"); exit(1); }
if (model_header[1] != 1) { printf("Bad version in model file"); exit(1); }
// read in hyperparameters
int maxT, V, L, NH, C;
model->config.max_seq_len = maxT = model_header[2];
model->config.vocab_size = V = model_header[3];
model->config.num_layers = L = model_header[4];
model->config.num_heads = NH = model_header[5];
model->config.channels = C = model_header[6];
// allocate space for all the parameters and read them in
model->param_sizes[0] = V * C; // wte
model->param_sizes[1] = maxT * C; // wpe
model->param_sizes[2] = L * C; // ln1w
model->param_sizes[3] = L * C; // ln1b
model->param_sizes[4] = L * (3 * C) * C; // qkvw
model->param_sizes[5] = L * (3 * C); // qkvb
model->param_sizes[6] = L * C * C; // attprojw
model->param_sizes[7] = L * C; // attprojb
model->param_sizes[8] = L * C; // ln2w
model->param_sizes[9] = L * C; // ln2b
model->param_sizes[10] = L * (4 * C) * C; // fcw
model->param_sizes[11] = L * (4 * C); // fcb
model->param_sizes[12] = L * C * (4 * C); // fcprojw
model->param_sizes[13] = L * C; // fcprojb
model->param_sizes[14] = C; // lnfw
model->param_sizes[15] = C; // lnfb
// cound the number of paramaters
size_t num_parameters = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_PARAMETER_TENSORS; i++) {
num_parameters += model->param_sizes[i];
model->num_parameters = num_parameters;
// read in all the parameters from file
model->params_memory = malloc_and_point_parameters(&model->params, model->param_sizes);
fread(model->params_memory, sizeof(float), num_parameters, model_file);
// other inits
model->acts_memory = NULL;
model->grads_memory = NULL;
model->m_memory = NULL;
model->v_memory = NULL;
model->grads_acts_memory = NULL;
model->inputs = NULL;
model->targets = NULL;
model->batch_size = 0;
model->seq_len = 0;
model->mean_loss = -1.0f; // -1.0f will designate no loss
void gpt2_forward(GPT2 *model, int* inputs, int B, int T) {
// convenience parameters
int V = model->config.vocab_size;
int L = model->config.num_layers;
int NH = model->config.num_heads;
int C = model->config.channels;
// record the current B,T as well
model->batch_size = B;
model->seq_len = T;
// and now allocate the space
model->act_sizes[0] = B * T * C; // encoded
model->act_sizes[1] = L * B * T * C; // ln1
model->act_sizes[2] = L * B * T; // ln1_mean
model->act_sizes[3] = L * B * T; // ln1_rstd
model->act_sizes[4] = L * B * T * 3*C; // qkv
model->act_sizes[5] = L * B * T * C; // atty
model->act_sizes[6] = L * B * NH * T * T; // preatt
model->act_sizes[7] = L * B * NH * T * T; // att
model->act_sizes[8] = L * B * T * C; // attproj
model->act_sizes[9] = L * B * T * C; // residual2
model->act_sizes[10] = L * B * T * C; // ln2
model->act_sizes[11] = L * B * T; // ln2_mean
model->act_sizes[12] = L * B * T; // ln2_rstd
model->act_sizes[13] = L * B * T * 4*C; // fch
model->act_sizes[14] = L * B * T * 4*C; // fch_gelu
model->act_sizes[15] = L * B * T * C; // fcproj
model->act_sizes[16] = L * B * T * C; // residual3
model->act_sizes[17] = B * T * C; // lnf
model->act_sizes[18] = B * T; // lnf_mean
model->act_sizes[19] = B * T; // lnf_rstd
model->act_sizes[20] = B * T * V; // logits
model->act_sizes[21] = B * T * V; // probs
model->act_sizes[22] = B * T; // losses
size_t num_activations = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_ACTIVATION_TENSORS; i++) {
num_activations += model->act_sizes[i];
model->num_activations = num_activations;
if (model->acts_memory) {
model->acts_memory = NULL;
model->acts_memory = malloc_and_point_activations(&model->acts, model->act_sizes);
// also create memory for caching inputs and targets
if (model->inputs) {
model->inputs = (int*)malloc(B * T * sizeof(int));
// cache the inputs/targets
memcpy(model->inputs, inputs, B * T * sizeof(int));
// forward pass
ParameterTensors params = model->params; // for brevity
ActivationTensors acts = model->acts;
float* residual;
encoder_forward(acts.encoded, inputs, params.wte, params.wpe, B, T, C); // encoding goes into residual[0]
for (int l = 0; l < L; l++) {
residual = l == 0 ? acts.encoded : acts.residual3 + (l-1) * B * T * C;
// get the pointers of the weights for this layer
float* l_ln1w = params.ln1w + l * C;
float* l_ln1b = params.ln1b + l * C;
float* l_qkvw = params.qkvw + l * 3*C * C;
float* l_qkvb = params.qkvb + l * 3*C;
float* l_attprojw = params.attprojw + l * C * C;
float* l_attprojb = params.attprojb + l * C;
float* l_ln2w = params.ln2w + l * C;
float* l_ln2b = params.ln2b + l * C;
float* l_fcw = params.fcw + l * 4*C * C;
float* l_fcb = params.fcb + l * 4*C;
float* l_fcprojw = params.fcprojw + l * C * 4*C;
float* l_fcprojb = params.fcprojb + l * C;
// get the pointers of the activations for this layer
float* l_ln1 = acts.ln1 + l * B * T * C;
float* l_ln1_mean = acts.ln1_mean + l * B * T;
float* l_ln1_rstd = acts.ln1_rstd + l * B * T;
float* l_qkv = acts.qkv + l * B * T * 3*C;
float* l_atty = acts.atty + l * B * T * C;
float* l_preatt = acts.preatt + l * B * NH * T * T;
float* l_att = acts.att + l * B * NH * T * T;
float* l_attproj = acts.attproj + l * B * T * C;
float* l_residual2 = acts.residual2 + l * B * T * C;
float* l_ln2 = acts.ln2 + l * B * T * C;
float* l_ln2_mean = acts.ln2_mean + l * B * T;
float* l_ln2_rstd = acts.ln2_rstd + l * B * T;
float* l_fch = acts.fch + l * B * T * 4*C;
float* l_fch_gelu = acts.fch_gelu + l * B * T * 4*C;
float* l_fcproj = acts.fcproj + l * B * T * C;
float* l_residual3 = acts.residual3 + l * B * T * C;
// now do the forward pass
layernorm_forward(l_ln1, l_ln1_mean, l_ln1_rstd, residual, l_ln1w, l_ln1b, B, T, C);
matmul_forward(l_qkv, l_ln1, l_qkvw, l_qkvb, B, T, C, 3*C);
attention_forward(l_atty, l_preatt, l_att, l_qkv, B, T, C, NH);
matmul_forward(l_attproj, l_atty, l_attprojw, l_attprojb, B, T, C, C);
residual_forward(l_residual2, residual, l_attproj, B*T*C);
layernorm_forward(l_ln2, l_ln2_mean, l_ln2_rstd, l_residual2, l_ln2w, l_ln2b, B, T, C);
matmul_forward(l_fch, l_ln2, l_fcw, l_fcb, B, T, C, 4*C);
gelu_forward(l_fch_gelu, l_fch, B*T*4*C);
matmul_forward(l_fcproj, l_fch_gelu, l_fcprojw, l_fcprojb, B, T, 4*C, C);
residual_forward(l_residual3, l_residual2, l_fcproj, B*T*C);
residual = acts.residual3 + (L-1) * B * T * C; // last residual is in residual3
layernorm_forward(acts.lnf, acts.lnf_mean, acts.lnf_rstd, residual, params.lnfw, params.lnfb, B, T, C);
matmul_forward(acts.logits, acts.lnf, params.wte, NULL, B, T, C, V);
softmax_forward(acts.probs, acts.logits, B, T, V);
void gpt2_zero_grad(GPT2 *model) {
if(model->grads_memory != NULL) { memset(model->grads_memory, 0, model->num_parameters * sizeof(float)); }
if(model->grads_acts_memory != NULL) { memset(model->grads_acts_memory, 0, model->num_activations * sizeof(float)); }
void gpt2_free(GPT2 *model) {
int sample_mult(float* probabilities, int n) {
// sample index from probabilities (they must sum to 1!)
// coin can be a random number in [0, 1), usually from random_f32()
float cdf = 0.0f, coin = 0.5f;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cdf += probabilities[i];
if (coin < cdf) {
return i;
return n - 1; // in case of rounding errors
// the GPT-2 end-of-text token id
#define GPT2_EOT 50256
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
GPT2 model;
gpt2_build_from_checkpoint(&model, "gpt2_124M.bin");
if (argc < 3) {
printf("Provide completion length and at least one token.\n");
const int input_offset = 2;
int completion_length = atoi(argv[1]);
int input_length = argc - input_offset;
if (input_length > completion_length) {
printf("Tow many tokens.\n");
int tokens[completion_length];
for (int i = 0; i < completion_length; i++) {
if (i < input_length) {
tokens[i] = atoi(argv[input_offset + i]);
} else {
tokens[i] = GPT2_EOT;
for (int t = input_length; t < completion_length; t++) {
gpt2_forward(&model, tokens, 1, t);
float* probs = model.acts.probs + (t-1) * model.config.vocab_size;
int next_token = sample_mult(probs, model.config.vocab_size);
tokens[t] = next_token;
printf("%d\n", tokens[t]);

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Binary file not shown.


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