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2025-01-18 13:09:52 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright 2011, Ben Langmead <langmea@cs.jhu.edu>
# This file is part of Bowtie 2.
# Bowtie 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Bowtie 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Bowtie 2. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package DNA;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib $Bin;
use Test;
# Set up uppercase IUPAC characters minus N
my %iupac_u_nn = (
"R" => 1,
"Y" => 1,
"M" => 1,
"K" => 1,
"S" => 1,
"W" => 1,
"B" => 1,
"V" => 1,
"H" => 1,
"D" => 1
# Return true iff arg is an IUPAC code and not ACGT or N.
sub isIUPAC($) {
return defined($iupac_u_nn{$_[0]});
# Replace IUPAC characters with Ns.
sub iupacSubN($) {
$_[0] =~ tr/RYMKSWBVHDrymkswbvhd/NNNNNNNNNNnnnnnnnnnn/;
return $_[0];
my %compat = (
"A" => "A",
"T" => "T",
"C" => "C",
"G" => "G",
"R" => "AG",
"Y" => "CT",
"M" => "AC",
"K" => "GT",
"S" => "CG",
"W" => "AT",
"B" => "CGT",
"V" => "ACG",
"H" => "ACT",
"D" => "AGT",
"N" => "ACGT"
# Pick a random character that's compatible with input character.
sub pickCompat($) {
my $c = uc $_[0];
defined($compat{$c}) || die "Bad input $c";
my $cc = $compat{$c};
if(length($cc) == 1) {
return $cc;
} else {
length($cc) > 1 || die;
return substr($cc, int(rand(length($cc))), 1);
my %incompat = (
"A" => "CGT",
"T" => "ACG",
"C" => "AGT",
"G" => "ACT",
"R" => "CT",
"Y" => "AG",
"M" => "GT",
"K" => "AC",
"S" => "AT",
"W" => "CG",
"B" => "A",
"V" => "T",
"H" => "G",
"D" => "C",
"N" => "ACGT"
# Pick a random character that's compatible with input character.
sub pickIncompat($) {
my $c = uc $_[0];
defined($incompat{$c}) || die "Bad input $c";
my $cc = $incompat{$c};
if(length($cc) == 1) {
return $cc;
} else {
length($cc) > 1 || die;
return substr($cc, int(rand(length($cc))), 1);
# Set up lowercase IUPAC characters minus N
my %iupac_l_nn = (
"r" => 1,
"y" => 1,
"m" => 1,
"k" => 1,
"s" => 1,
"w" => 1,
"b" => 1,
"v" => 1,
"h" => 1,
"d" => 1
my %revcompMap = (
"A" => "T",
"T" => "A",
"C" => "G",
"G" => "C",
"R" => "Y",
"Y" => "R",
"M" => "K",
"K" => "M",
"S" => "S",
"W" => "W",
"B" => "V",
"V" => "B",
"H" => "D",
"D" => "H",
"N" => "N",
"a" => "t",
"t" => "a",
"c" => "g",
"g" => "c",
"r" => "y",
"y" => "r",
"m" => "k",
"k" => "m",
"s" => "s",
"w" => "w",
"b" => "v",
"v" => "b",
"h" => "d",
"d" => "h",
"n" => "n"
my %unambigSet = (
"A" => 1, "a" => 1,
"C" => 1, "c" => 1,
"G" => 1, "g" => 1,
"T" => 1, "t" => 1
# Return the complement, incl. if it's IUPAC.
sub comp($) {
my $s = uc shift;
# Return the reverse complement of a string.
sub revcomp($) {
my $s = uc shift;
$s = reverse $s;
return $s;
# Return true iff it's unambiguous.
sub unambig($) {
return $unambigSet{$_[0]};
# Manipulate DNA in an integer-indexed fashion.
sub plus($$) {
my ($c, $amt) = @_;
my %ctoi = ("A" => 0, "C" => 1, "G" => 2, "T" => 3);
my %itoc = (0 => "A", 1 => "C", 2 => "G", 3 => "T");
$c = uc $c;
defined($ctoi{$c}) || die "Not an unambiguous nucleotide: $c";
return $itoc{($ctoi{$c}+$amt) % 4};
my %dinucToColorMap = (
"AA" => "0",
"AC" => "1",
"AG" => "2",
"AT" => "3",
"CC" => "0",
"CG" => "3",
"CT" => "2",
"GG" => "0",
"GT" => "1",
"TT" => "0",
"AN" => ".",
"CN" => ".",
"GN" => ".",
"NT" => ".",
"NN" => ".",
sub dinucToColor($$) {
my ($n1, $n2) = @_;
if(ord($n2) < ord($n1)) {
my $tmp = $n1;
$n1 = $n2;
$n2 = $tmp;
ord($n1) <= ord($n2) || die;
defined($dinucToColorMap{"$n1$n2"}) ||
die "Bad nucleotide dinuc: '$n1$n2'";
return $dinucToColorMap{"$n1$n2"};
sub test1 {
plus("A", 1) eq "C" || die;
plus("C", 1) eq "G" || die;
plus("G", 1) eq "T" || die;
plus("T", 1) eq "A" || die;
return 1;
sub test2 {
plus("A", 2) eq "G" || die;
plus("C", 2) eq "T" || die;
plus("G", 2) eq "A" || die;
plus("T", 2) eq "C" || die;
return 1;
sub test3 {
revcomp("ACGT") eq "ACGT" || die;
return 1;
sub test4 {
revcomp("ACGTYR") eq "YRACGT" || die;
return 1;
if($0 =~ /[^0-9a-zA-Z_]?DNA\.pm$/) {
print "Running unit tests\n";
# Run unit tests
Test::shouldSucceed("test1", \&test1);
Test::shouldSucceed("test2", \&test2);
Test::shouldSucceed("test3", \&test3);
Test::shouldSucceed("test4", \&test4);