245 lines
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245 lines
6.8 KiB
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright 2011, Ben Langmead <langmea@cs.jhu.edu>
# This file is part of Bowtie 2.
# Bowtie 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Bowtie 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Bowtie 2. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package SampleRead;
use strict;
use Carp;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib $Bin;
use DNA;
use Test;
use List::Util qw(max min);
use Math::Random;
# Default sequencing miscall rate generator.
sub defaultSeqMmGen() {
return Math::Random::random_uniform(1, 0, 0.1);
# Default random generator for read length.
sub defaultFragLenGen() {
return int(Math::Random::random_normal(1, 200, 40))+1;
# Default random generator for read length.
sub defaultReadLenGen() {
my $r = int(rand(3));
if($r == 0) {
return int(Math::Random::random_exponential(1, 60))+1;
} elsif($r == 1) {
return int(Math::Random::random_exponential(1, 20))+1;
} else {
return int(Math::Random::random_exponential(1, 150))+1;
# Create a new read sampler
sub new {
my (
$name, # name of simulator
$fraglengen, # paired-end fragment length generator
$m1lengen, # random mate1 length generator
$m2lengen, # random mate2 length generator
) = @_;
$fraglengen = \&defaultFragLenGen unless defined($fraglengen);
$m1lengen = \&defaultReadLenGen unless defined($m1lengen);
$m2lengen = \&defaultReadLenGen unless defined($m2lengen);
$name = "noname" unless defined($name);
return bless {
_name => $name,
_fraglengen => $fraglengen,
_m1lengen => $m1lengen,
_m2lengen => $m2lengen,
}, $class;
sub name { return $_[0]->{_name} }
sub fraglengen { return $_[0]->{_fraglengen} }
sub m1lengen { return $_[0]->{_m1lengen} }
sub m2lengen { return $_[0]->{_m2lengen} }
# Generate a set of reads from a subject genome encoded in a hash ref.
sub genReads {
my (
$num, # number of reads/fragments to generate
$color, # colorize?
$refs, # hash ref holding reference sequences
$seqs, # put generated read sequences here
$quals, # put generated quality sequences here
$lengen) = @_; # length generator
ref($refs) eq "HASH" || die "Reference input must be hash ref, is ".ref($refs);
ref($seqs) eq "ARRAY" || die "seqs input must be array ref, is ".ref($seqs);
ref($quals) eq "ARRAY" || die "quals input must be array ref, is".ref($quals);
$lengen = $self->m1lengen() unless defined($lengen);
my $totreflen = 0;
my @keys = keys %$refs;
for (@keys) { $totreflen += length($refs->{$_}); }
for(1..$num) {
if(rand() < 0.05 && scalar(@$seqs) > 0) {
# Clone a previous read
my $ci = int(rand(scalar(@$seqs)));
push @$seqs, $seqs->[$ci];
push @$quals, $quals->[$ci];
} else {
while(1) {
my $ro = int(rand($totreflen));
my $len = $lengen->();
$len = 1 if $len < 1;
my $key = undef;
my $rflen = 0;
for (@keys) {
$rflen = length($refs->{$_});
if($ro < $rflen) {
$key = $_;
$ro -= $rflen;
defined($key) || die;
$rflen > 0 || die;
# If we are overhanging the end, discard and try again
next if $ro + $len > $rflen;
my $rfseq = substr($refs->{$key}, $ro, $len);
length($rfseq) == $len || die;
my $rc = int(rand(2));
# Possibly reverse-complement it
$rfseq = DNA::revcomp($rfseq) if $rc == 1;
# Possible colorize
if($color) {
my $cseq = "";
for(0..$len-2) {
my ($c1, $c2) = (substr($rfseq, $_, 1), substr($rfseq, $_+1, 1));
my $col = DNA::dinucToColor($c1, $c2);
$cseq .= $col;
$rfseq = $cseq;
$len = length($rfseq);
push @$seqs, $rfseq;
# TODO: generate interesting qualities
push @$quals, "I" x $len;
# Simulate next read
# Generate a set of read pairs from a subject genome encoded in a hash
# ref. First we extract unpaired fragments, then take sequences from
# either end to make the mates.
sub genReadPairs {
my (
$num, # number of reads/fragments to generate
$color, # colorize?
$refs, # hash ref holding reference sequences
$m1fw, # orientation of mate 1 when fragment comes from Watson strand
$m2fw, # orientation of mate 2 when fragment comes from Watson strand
$seq1s, # put generated mate1 sequences here
$seq2s, # put generated mate2 sequences here
$qual1s, # put generated mate1 quality sequences here
$qual2s) = @_; # put generated mate2 quality sequences here
# First simulate fragments
ref($refs) eq "HASH" || die "Reference input must be hash ref";
ref($seq1s) eq "ARRAY" || die "seq1s input must be array ref";
ref($seq2s) eq "ARRAY" || die "seq2s input must be array ref";
ref($qual1s) eq "ARRAY" || die "qual1s input must be array ref";
ref($qual2s) eq "ARRAY" || die "qual2s input must be array ref";
my @fragseqs = ();
my @fragquals = ();
scalar(@fragseqs) == scalar(@fragquals) || die;
# For each fragment
for (1..scalar(@fragseqs)) {
# Take mates from either end
my $m1len = $self->m1lengen->();
my $m2len = $self->m2lengen->();
$m1len = min($m1len, length($fragseqs[$_-1]));
$m2len = min($m2len, length($fragseqs[$_-1]));
my $m1seq = substr($fragseqs [$_-1], 0, $m1len);
my $m2seq = substr($fragseqs [$_-1], -$m2len);
my $m1qual = substr($fragquals[$_-1], 0, $m1len);
my $m2qual = substr($fragquals[$_-1], -$m2len);
if(!$m1fw) {
$m1seq = DNA::revcomp($m1seq);
$m1qual = reverse $m1qual;
if(!$m2fw) {
$m2seq = DNA::revcomp($m2seq);
$m2qual = reverse $m2qual;
# Commit new pair to the list
push @$seq1s, $m1seq;
push @$seq2s, $m2seq;
push @$qual1s, $m1qual;
push @$qual2s, $m2qual;
# Simulate next pair
sub test1 {
my $samp = SampleRead->new("UnitTest read sampler");
my %refs = (
my @seqs = ();
my @quals = ();
$samp->genReads(10, 0, \%refs, \@seqs, \@quals, \&defaultReadLenGen);
scalar(@seqs) == 10 || die;
scalar(@quals) == 10 || die;
return 1;
sub test2 {
return 1;
if($0 =~ /[^0-9a-zA-Z_]?SampleRead\.pm$/) {
print "Running unit tests\n";
# Run unit tests
Test::shouldSucceed("test1", \&test1);
Test::shouldSucceed("test2", \&test2);