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2025-01-18 13:09:52 +00:00
* Copyright 2020, Yun (Leo) Zhang <imzhangyun@gmail.com>
* This file is part of HISAT-3N.
* HISAT-3N is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* HISAT-3N is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with HISAT-3N. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "sstring.h"
#include "alignment_3n.h"
class Alignment;
class RepeatMappingPosition;
* the data structure to store existing mapping positions.
class MappingPosition {
long long int* locations[2] = {NULL};
BTString* chromosome;
int AS = numeric_limits<int>::min();
int pairScore; // score to decide which mapping position should be output.
bool segmentExist[2] = {false}; // indicate whether we have the segment alignment information.
bool badAlignment = false; // if the alignment result
bool repeat = false; // whether the mapping position is belong to a expanded repeat alignment
Alignment* alignments[2] = {NULL};
RepeatMappingPosition* repeats[2] = {NULL};
void initialize() {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
locations[i] = NULL;
segmentExist[i] = false;
alignments[i] = NULL;
repeats[i] = NULL;
chromosome = NULL;
AS = numeric_limits<int>::min();
pairScore = numeric_limits<int>::min();
badAlignment = false;
repeat = false;
MappingPosition() {
* constructor for non-repeat alignment, or original repeat alignment( with chromosomeName = rep*).
MappingPosition (Alignment* newAlignment);
* constructor for expanded repeat alignment position.
MappingPosition (RepeatMappingPosition* repeat0, Alignment* newAlignment0, RepeatMappingPosition* repeat1, Alignment* newAlignment1);
* return true if the MappingPosition has same information as input Alignment
bool operator==(Alignment* o);
* this is the data structure to store all MappingPosition
class MappingPositions {
vector<MappingPosition> positions;
int bestPairScore; // the best pairing score, for paired-end alignment output
int nBestPair; // the number of pair have bestPairScore, should equal to NH.
int bestAS; // the best AS score, for single-end alignment output.
int nBestSingle; // the number of alignment have bestAS, should equal to NH.
int index; // the index number on positions. should always point to the last or current MappingPosition.
Alignment* oppositeAlignment; // the temporary pointer point to the opposite mate's Alignment. use in append function.
bool concordantExist; // whether concordant alignment is exist. use for paired-end output statistics.
bool findBadAlignment;
void initialize() {
bestPairScore = numeric_limits<int>::min();
nBestPair = 0;
bestAS = numeric_limits<int>::min();
nBestSingle = 0;
index = -1;
oppositeAlignment = NULL;
concordantExist = false;
findBadAlignment = false;
MappingPositions() {
* return number of MappingPosition in positions.
int size() {
return positions.size();
* recursively search the positions to find whether there is a Mapping position has target information.
* if the opposite mate is exist, we will save it's Alignment address to oppositeAlignment.
bool findPosition (long long int* inputLocations[2], BTString& chromosome, int& pairSegment) {
oppositeAlignment = NULL;
findBadAlignment = false;
for (int i = 0; i < positions.size(); i++) {
if (positions[i].locations[1-pairSegment] == NULL ||
*(positions[i].locations[1-pairSegment]) == *inputLocations[1-pairSegment]) {
if (!positions[i].badAlignment) {
oppositeAlignment = positions[i].alignments[1-pairSegment];
if (*positions[i].locations[pairSegment] == *inputLocations[pairSegment] &&
(*positions[i].chromosome == chromosome)) {
index = i;
if (positions[i].badAlignment)
findBadAlignment = true;
findBadAlignment = false;
return positions[i].segmentExist[pairSegment];
return false;
* set current MappingPosition to a bad alignment.
void badAligned() {
positions[index].badAlignment = true;
* return true if current positions is a bad alignment.
bool isBad() {
return positions[index].badAlignment;
* return if both segment is exist for current MappingPosition
bool mateExist() {
return positions[index].segmentExist[0] && positions[index].segmentExist[1];
* calculate the pairing score,
* if one of mate is repeat, calculate the pairing score by knn and append the pair has best pairing score to positions.
bool updatePairScore();
* calculate the pairing score for regular (non-repeat) alignment.
bool updatePairScore_regular();
* calculate the pairing score for repeat alignment
* append to positions if the new pair has better (or equal) pairing score.
bool updatePairScore_repeat();
* redirect to updateAS_regular() or updateAS_repeat().
bool updateAS();
* if AS is larger than bestAS, update bestAS.
bool updateAS_regular();
* if AS in repeatPosition is larger than bestAS, add it to positions and update BestAS.
bool updateAS_repeat();
* return true if the is a MappingPosition has same information as input Alignment.
* first check the latest MappingPosition, if not same, search all MappingPositions.
* both mate and opposite mate position should be same to MappingPosition to return true.
bool positionExist(Alignment* newAlignment);
* return true if the is a MappingPosition has same information as position.
* this function is to check repeat mapping position.
* without checking it's mate, if the repeat mapping location is exist, return true.
bool positionExist (BTString& chromosome, long long int& location, int& segment) {
for (int i = 0; i < positions.size(); i++) {
if ((*(positions[i].locations[segment]) == location) &&
(*(positions[i].chromosome) == chromosome)) {
return true;
return false;
* output paired-end alignment results.
void outputPair(BTString& o);
* output single-end alignment results.
void outputSingle(BTString& o);
* append new Alignment to positions.
* return true if the new Alignment successfully append.
* return false if the new Alignment is exist or it's mate is bad aligned.
bool append(Alignment* newAlignment);
* the data structure to store repeat information.
class RepeatMappingPosition: public MappingPosition {
long long int repeatLocation;
BTString MD;
int XM;
int NM;
int YS;
int Yf;
int Zf;
char YZ;
BTString refSequence;
BTString repeatChromosome;
bool outputted = false;
int flagInfoIndex = -1;
RepeatMappingPosition() {};
* constructor for new repeat information.
RepeatMappingPosition (long long int& inputLocation,
BTString& inputChromosome,
BTString &inputRefSequence,
int &inputAS,
BTString &inputMD,
int &inputXM,
int &inputNM,
int &inputYf,
int &inputZf,
char &repeatYZ) {
repeatLocation = inputLocation;
repeatChromosome = inputChromosome;
refSequence = inputRefSequence;
AS = inputAS;
MD = inputMD;
XM = inputXM;
NM = inputNM;
Yf = inputYf;
Zf = inputZf;
YZ = repeatYZ;
pairScore = numeric_limits<int>::min();
flagInfoIndex = -1;
* constructor for the repeat which has same reference sequence.
* we save the index for pattern RepeatMappingPosition, because they should have same information except location and chromosome.
RepeatMappingPosition(long long int &inputLocation,
BTString &inputChromosome,
int& inputAS,
int& index) {
repeatLocation = inputLocation;
repeatChromosome = inputChromosome;
AS = inputAS;
flagInfoIndex = index;
* this is the data structure to store all repeatMappingPosition after expansion.
class RepeatMappingPositions {
vector<RepeatMappingPosition> positions;
void initialize() {
* return number of MappingPosition in positions.
int size() {
return positions.size();
* return true if reference sequence is exist, else, return false.
bool sequenceExist (BTString& refSequence, int &index) {
for (int i = 0; i < positions.size(); i++) {
if ((positions[i].flagInfoIndex == -1) && (refSequence == positions[i].refSequence)) {
index = i;
return true;
return false;
* add repeat mapping information.
void append (long long int &location,
BTString &chromosome,
BTString &refSequence,
int &AS,
BTString &MD,
int &XM,
int &NM,
int &Yf,
int &Zf,
char &repeatYZ) {
positions.emplace_back(location, chromosome, refSequence, AS, MD, XM, NM, Yf, Zf, repeatYZ);
* add repeat mapping information.
void append(BTString &chromosome, long long int &location, int &index) {
positions.emplace_back(location, chromosome, positions[index].AS, index);